About Us
We prioritize your child's safety and wellbeing, ensuring they feel secure and comfortable. When surgery is needed, we carefully administer anesthesia to help your child relax and manage pain throughout the procedure.
We recognize every child is different. Our pediatric anesthesiologists tailor anesthesia for patients whose bodies are still growing, allowing them to make safe medication plans for your child based on their weight, height and type of surgery.
The idea of anesthesia can be stressful. A compassionate pediatric anesthesiologist will be with your child every step of the way, closely monitoring their condition to ensure they are safe and comfortable throughout their procedure.
Contact Us
Contact our anesthesiology department if you have questions about your child’s procedure.
Conditions We Treat
Meet Our Providers
Meet our team of board-certified pediatric anesthesiologists who are specially trained in anesthesia to provide safe care for infants and children.

Treatments and Services
While the thought of anesthesia and pain management can be stressful when your child is having surgery, our team is here to help throughout the entire process. We provide:
Children’s Nebraska Outpatient Surgery Center – West Village Pointe
Related Specialties


Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT)

Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition

General and Thoracic Surgery



Ophthalmology (Eye Care)


Next Steps
Prepare for Your Procedure
Prepare for Your Visit
Frequently Asked Questions
We understand parents and children may have many questions about anesthesia before a procedure. To help you feel more informed and prepared, we've put together answers to some frequently asked questions about anesthesia and how we care for your child during surgery at Children’s Nebraska.
What Sets Us Apart
Exceptional Expertise
Our anesthesiologists are board-certified in pediatric anesthesiology, meaning they undergo extra training in pediatrics to meet children’s needs during procedures.
Specialized Care
Some of our pediatric anesthesiologists specialize in certain areas, such as heart surgery or pain management.
Leadership and Training
Children’s Nebraska offers a pediatric anesthesiology fellowship program in collaboration with the University of Nebraska. We train anesthesiologists with the latest technology and advances.
Awards and Honors
We are the only hospital in the region that participates in the Wake Up Safe program. This program includes 34 U.S. hospitals working to improve pediatric anesthesia patient safety and outcomes.