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When your patient has difficulty hearing, expert care matters. We diagnose and treat a variety of hearing issues so your patient can thrive.

About Us

Nearly three of every 1,000 children in the U.S. are born with detectable hearing loss in one or both ears. Our Audiology team understands the importance of early detection and intervention to prevent speech and language development delays. We provide comprehensive assessments, treatment and management of hearing loss with individualized care plans for your patients. We also collaborate with other healthcare and educational professionals to ensure holistic support for your patient’s communication and learning outcomes.

Several conditions can contribute to hearing loss in children, including:

  • Fluid or infection in the ear

  • Premature birth

  • Infections during pregnancy, such as cytomegalovirus or rubella

  • Infections after birth, such as otitis media or meningitis

  • Genetic conditions such as Down syndrome, CHARGE syndrome, Usher syndrome or Treacher Collins syndrome

  • Craniofacial issues

  • Head trauma

  • Neurodegenerative disorders

Refer a Patient

Fax Referral Form

Fax completed forms to 402.955.6445.
Allow 48 hours for referrals to process.

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Refer Patients Online

Referrals can be sent through our online portal, EpicCare Link. First-time users must click "Request New Account" to enroll.

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Contact Us





Monday – Thursday: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Providers' Priority Line

Additional Information:

The Providers' Priority Line is your 24-hour link to pediatric specialists at Children’s for emergency and urgent consults, physician-to-physician consults, admissions and transport services.

Conditions We Treat

We treat several forms of hearing loss in children, including:

Meet Our Providers

Children’s Audiology works closely with Children's Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) and other specialists to diagnose and treat children with the right interventions.

Treatments and Services

After a full hearing evaluation, our experts will discuss the next steps for each child. We offer several services and interventions, including:


Find specialized audiology services and interventions at a convenient location near you.

Children’s Nebraska – West Omaha

20502 Roosevelt Street, Elkhorn, NE 68022

Related Specialties

Provider looking in child's ear.

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) | For Providers

Our pediatric ENT specialists manage a wide range of conditions, from recurring sinus and ear infections to thyroid disorders, providing expert care for your patients of all ages.
Provider helping girl with therapy exercise.

Occupational Therapy | For Providers

We recognize that every child grows and develops at their own pace. If your patient requires additional support in mastering daily skills, our dedicated pediatric occupational therapists are available to provide guidance every step of the way.
Young girl working with speech therapist.

Speech Therapy | For Providers

Effective communication fosters strong connections. When your patient struggles to express themselves, you can rely on our pediatric speech therapy team to provide the support they need, just a referral away.

Clinics and Programs

What Sets Us Apart

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Specialized Care

Children’s Audiology is solely dedicated to the care of pediatric and adolescent hearing conditions.

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Continuous Care

Unlike many other audiology clinics, our services focus on both children and young adults, from birth through age 21. We understand how developmental changes affect the care and treatment a child's needs.

Collaborative Approach

Our team works with experts in other divisions so we can address all the child’s needs in one place.