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Rhonda R. Wright, MD

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About Rhonda R. Wright, MD

Children's provider


  • English


Children's Nebraska Specialty Pediatric Center

111 North 84th Street, Omaha, NE 68114

Patient Reviews

Patient reviews are gathered from Google reviews. They’re included as our commitment to transparency to you, and excellence in healthcare.

March 2025

November 2024

May 2024

Visiting Dr. Rhonda Wright for my daughter's issues with her migraines was a above and beyond expectations. She finally found the right way to observe my daughter's condition and I walked away with a better outlook on why she gets these migraines. Since October of 2023 we've been seeing several doctors trying to figure out why my daughter had inflammation in her eyes along with migraines that actually put her in the hospital over a weekend last year. She suggested a sleep study which we unfortunately can't have until fall of thid year due to scheduling filled. We're also going to do physical therapy to acupuncture on her neck. Thank you for taking the time to explain everything step by step, it truly shows you're looking out for our children for tomorrow's future.

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New mom looking at smartphone while holding baby.