Preparing for Surgery
Preparing for surgery can be a stressful experience for both you and your child. Our guide offers helpful information and resources to make the process as smooth and comforting as possible.
Preparing for surgery can be an overwhelming experience for both you and your child. At Children’s Nebraska, we are here to support you every step of the way. Our goal is to help you feel informed, confident and at ease before, during and after your child’s surgery. This guide provides helpful information about what to expect, how to prepare and resources to ensure a smoother, less stressful experience for your child and your family.
Questions to Ask Before Surgery
You may find you have a lot of questions you want to ask before your child’s surgery — or you may not know what to ask. Some key questions to be sure to address with your child’s care team before surgery include:
What time do I need to bring my child to the surgical center?
Can my child eat or drink before the procedure?
Should my child take their usual medications the day of the procedure?
When can my child eat or drink after the surgery?
How long until my child can resume normal activity?
What medications will my child need after surgery?
During recovery, what is normal and what is a sign of a complication?
What should I do if my child is experiencing a complication?
Once my child is home, who should I contact if I have any questions about the surgery or recovery?
It’s also important to check with your insurance company ahead of time to understand your coverage for the procedure.
Before Surgery
Every child’s pre-op is a little different, depending on their age and the type of procedure they are having. Your child’s surgical team will give you more detailed instructions. However, there are a few things that most patients can expect.
After Surgery
Once surgery is completed, your child will be transferred to a recovery room, where they will be provided one-on-one nursing care. As soon as your child is awake, they will be transferred to your outpatient surgery room to continue recovery in your company.
If your child needs to spend the night after surgery, you’ll be taken to an inpatient hospital room after the recovery room.
Post-Surgical and Follow-Up Care
Post-surgical care is just as important as the surgery itself. Proper post-surgical care helps with:
Healing correctly
Preventing infection at the surgical site
Managing pain
Keeping the rest of the body healthy during the healing process
Making sure your child is healing emotionally and mentally
That’s why our surgeons work right alongside social workers, nutritionists, therapists and other physicians to monitor your child’s health after surgery.
After surgery, your child will need to follow up with their surgeon or physician. The number of follow-up appointments needed, as well as how long your child will need to do follow-ups, will depend on their personal needs.
Explaining Surgery to Your Child
As the surgery day approaches, explain to your child why they are having surgery in simple, non-threatening words. Let your child know that the surgery is a way to help them feel better. Use simple, honest explanations to tell your child what will happen, and listen to all of their questions or concerns.
For example, avoid phrases such as, “you will be put to sleep,” as they may confuse that with what happened to the family pet. Instead, use phrases such as, “the doctor will give you medicine to help you fall asleep, so you won’t feel anything.”
The following will help you prepare for common concerns and fears your child may have before surgery:
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