About Us
Medical transportation for children with complex conditions, traumatic injuries or emergency needs demands specialized care. At Children’s Nebraska, our expert team provides safe transport for critically ill children, with providers uniquely trained and certified in caring for children of all ages.
Our transport teams stabilize critical conditions and manage medical needs during transit, keeping your child calm, comfortable and reassured while providing seamless care from assessment to arrival. Providers coordinate care throughout the transport and upon arrival. Additionally, our education and outreach teams work to keep children safe and healthy, bringing Children’s Nebraska’s advanced expertise directly to you when accidents or special transportation needs arise.
Critical Care Transport Team
Critical care nurses
Emergency medical technicians
Pediatric acute care nurse practitioners
Transport Service Areas
South Dakota
North Dakota
PUBLIC NOTICE: The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct an accreditation site visit at Children's Nebraska, March 17-18, 2025.
Conditions We Treat
We treat a wide range of conditions in children of any age, from prematurely delivered babies to preschoolers and adolescents. Our teams provide rapid-response care for traumatic injuries, complicated medical issues, fragile conditions and life-threatening diseases and disorders.
Treatments and Services
Children’s pediatric and newborn critical care transport provides highly skilled nurse practitioners, nurses, paramedics and emergency medical technician (EMT) teams to care for children of all ages.
For emergencies or complex medical transportation needs, our transport teams can reach children near or far by ground, helicopter or plane. Children’s operates and maintains a fleet of ground ambulances. Air Methods Corporation operates and maintains the EC130 helicopter and 1 Pilatus PC 12 fixed wing aircraft.
Related Specialties

Emergency Medicine
Clinics and Programs
Next Steps
Step 1: For Emergencies, Call 911
Provide specific information about the nature of your child’s emergency. You’ll receive additional guidance about what to do and how to help first responders. If you call 911, be prepared to give details about your child’s location, condition, medical history as applicable and care needs.
Step 2: Contact Your Child’s Pediatrician or Primary Care Provider
Requesting emergency or non-emergency critical care transport requires a referral from your child’s pediatrician, primary care provider or specialist. Your referring provider will call Children’s Physician’s Priority Line at 855.850.KIDS (5437).
Step 3: Be Prepared to Provide Clear, Specific Details
Talk with your child’s provider for additional guidance. Give specific details about your child’s condition, medical history and care needs.
Prepare for Your Visit
Whether your child has complex medical transportation needs or it’s an emergency, it’s common to feel overwhelmed. Rest assured that your care providers, first responders or others will guide you at every turn. Following these steps can help ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.
What Sets Us Apart
Child-Centered Transport
We’re the only team in Nebraska specializing in the stabilization and care of newborn and pediatric patients.
Fast-Access Fleet
With dedicated ambulance, helicopter or plane transport, we can provide a higher level of care to an extended coverage area throughout the Midwest and beyond.
Expert Teams and Teamwork
Children receive seamless care from pediatric critical care transport experts who work closely with multispecialty teams at Children’s.
Awards and Honors

Children’s hospital pediatric and neonatal transport — a critical care ground, rotor-wing and fixed-wing transport service — is proudly accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems.