About Us
Our Autism Diagnostic Clinic, we specialize in comprehensive assessments and tailored diagnostic evaluations for autism spectrum disorders in children. Our multispecialty team combines expertise in Developmental Pediatrics, Behavioral Health and Speech Therapy to ensure a thorough and compassionate approach. We are dedicated to providing families with clear, actionable insights and support throughout the diagnostic process.
Contact Us
Meet Our Providers
Meet our expert pediatric team members, who have extensive experience in behavioral health, developmental pediatrics and genetics.
Treatments and Services
Children’s Autism Diagnostic Clinic is dedicated to helping families find answers and resources. We offer:
Our clinic is located in Children’s Cass West facility in central Omaha.
Children's Nebraska Specialty Pediatric Clinic — Cass West
Next Steps
Step 1
Your child’s provider completes referral paperwork for the Autism Diagnostic Clinic.
Step 2
We send you an informational letter and questionnaire packet.
Step 3
You return this paperwork by mail or fax to:
Autism Diagnostic Clinic
Cass West
8552 Cass Street
Omaha, NE 68114
Fax: 402.955.4184
Step 4
We contact you to schedule an appointment.
A few weeks after the evaluation, you will receive a written report of our findings
Prepare for Your Visit
What Sets Us Apart
Our team includes a parent advocate who is specially trained in helping families by:
Educating you about your child’s diagnosis
Helping you identify and access support services
Coordinating education and communication among various support services and your family