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Cochlear Implant Program

Cochlear implants offer children with severe hearing loss and their families the potential for improved outcomes. These devices can enhance your patient's quality of life and ability to engage with their environment.

About Us

Traditional hearing aids are effective for many children with mild to moderate hearing loss, but they may not provide sufficient support for those with severe to profound hearing loss. If a traditional hearing aid is not meeting your patient's needs, they may be a candidate for a cochlear implant.

Children’s Nebraska’s Cochlear Implant Program features a team of pediatric experts with extensive experience in all aspects of cochlear implant care. Our multidisciplinary team includes specialists in audiology, speech-language pathology, vestibular audiology, deaf education, ENT medicine and implant audiology. We work together to provide a supportive, comprehensive approach, guiding your patient and their family through every step—from determining if a cochlear implant is the right choice to the implantation surgery and ongoing adjustments.

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Fax completed forms to 402.955.6445.
Allow 48 hours for referrals to process.

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Referrals can be sent through our online portal, EpicCare Link. First-time users must click "Request New Account" to enroll.

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Cochlear Implant Program



Providers' Priority Line

Additional Information:

The Providers' Priority Line is your 24-hour link to pediatric specialists at Children’s for emergency and urgent consults, physician-to-physician consults, admissions and transport services.

Conditions We Treat

Pediatric cochlear implants are beneficial for children who experience significant challenges in hearing due to genetic factors or other underlying health issues.

Meet Our Providers

The members of our cochlear implant team are compassionate, experienced professionals. They look forward to providing each child with the best possible therapies for hearing loss, which may include cochlear implants.

Treatments and Services

Advancements in technology have emerged in recent years that have transformed the way we approach and manage hearing impairments, offering new hope and possibilities. Children’s pediatric experts are now providing cochlear implants as a leading treatment option, ensuring that young patients receive the specialized care they need.


Children’s Nebraska

8200 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68114

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Patient Spotlight

Serlin's Story: A Cochlear Implant Journey

A child’s hearing plays a fundamental role in their overall wellbeing. As Serlin adjusts to her implant and grows comfortable with new, louder sounds, her family is thrilled about the positive impact this will have on her quality of life.

What Sets Us Apart

Neurology Icon Brain

Exclusive Expertise

Children's offers exclusive expertise in pediatric cochlear implant services, providing comprehensive evaluations and individualized treatment plans tailored to each child's unique needs.

Multidisciplinary Care

Our comprehensive program includes a multidisciplinary care team to ensure all of the child’s needs are addressed in one place.

Neurology Lab Icon

Leading-Edge Technology

Children’s Cochlear Implant program is at the forefront of the latest technology to address a child’s hearing impairment.