About Us
Our Autism Diagnostic Clinic, we provide comprehensive assessments and tailored evaluations for autism spectrum disorders. Our team of experts in Developmental Pediatrics, Behavioral Health and Speech Therapy work together to ensure a thorough, compassionate approach. We aim to provide families with clear insights and ongoing support throughout the diagnostic process.
Refer a Patient
Fax Referral Form
Fax completed forms to 402.955.6445.
Allow 48 hours for referrals to process.
Refer Patients Online
Referrals can be sent through our online portal, EpicCare Link. First-time users must click "Request New Account" to enroll.
Contact Us
Providers' Priority Line
Additional Information:
The Providers' Priority Line is your 24-hour link to pediatric specialists at Children’s for emergency and urgent consults, physician-to-physician consults, admissions and transport services.
Meet Our Providers
Meet our expert pediatric team members, who have extensive experience in behavioral health, developmental pediatrics and genetics.
Treatments and Services
Children’s Autism Diagnostic Clinic is dedicated to helping families find answers and resources. We offer:
Our clinic is located in Children’s Cass West facility in central Omaha.