Ruben E. Quiros, M.D.

My Medical Specialty: Gastroenterology / HepatologyWeight & Wellness
male | Speaks: English


My name is Ruben Quiros. I’m a pediatric gastroenterologist, hepatologist, and nutrition specialist at Children’s.

We are here to help. This is not a one-visit process to find all of the answers. We will work together, and I will be there with my patients throughout the whole process.

We see all different spectrums of liver disease. I’m also interested is nutrition — that’s something that’s very near to my heart.

Being an adolescent or a teenager is really hard just by itself. Then adding on top of that a chronic illness — where they have to talk about embarrassing things like bowel movement habits, such as constipation — those are things that people don’t talk about freely. I try to make them feel comfortable as they talk about these things.

I enjoy working with kids — I think it keeps us young. I also think kids are very grateful. When you’re taking care of them, they’re smiling back at you. Or when you walk them through situations that they feel scared about, and then having them smile and feel that something was accomplished, and making them feel better when they are sick — that always gives me great pleasure.

See Research by Ruben E. Quiros M.D.

Board Certification

Pediatric Gastroenterology
Pediatric Transplant Hepatology


Medical School: Universidad de Panama Facultad De Medicina Panama
Residency: Alfred I Dupont Institute Delaware
Residency: Hospital del Nino Panama
Fellowship: UCLA Medical Center

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Children’s Nebraska

8200 Dodge St.
Omaha, NE 68114

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