Helen F. Grace, D.O.

My Medical Specialty: Pediatrics
female | Speaks: English

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My name is Helen Grace, and I’m a pediatrician at Children’s Physicians, University of Nebraska Medical Center. My mother’s a pediatrician, and I’ve always liked taking care of children. She was always an inspiration to me when I was younger. It was sort of an obvious natural fit. All the way through medical school, pediatrics was definitely my calling. I’m interested in children of all ages. I see children from newborns all the way through teenagers into their twenties. The physician and patient relationship is really important. If you don’t feel like you trust your pediatrician, you need to find a new physician. That’s critical to what we do as physicians. Patients should feel like they can trust us. I think many of my patients, if you would ask them, would tell you that they can trust me, I am on their side, and I want to help them in any way that I can. The best advice I would give to parents and caregivers is to be patient with yourself and to be patient with your children. As long as you keep trying to learn with your child, the relationship continues to grow.

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Board Certification

AB Pediatrics - Pediatrics


Medical School: Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences
Residency: Pediatrics, Advocate Children’s Hospital-Oak Lawn

This Provider Practices at:

Children’s Physicians, UNMC

4400 Emile St.
Omaha, NE 68105

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Fax: 402-955-8140

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  • Education: Degree, Name of School, Location Ex: Bachelor of Science, United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland
  • Memberships: Title (if applicable), Name or Title of Group Ex: Diplomate, American Board of Neurological Surgeons
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