Alka Desai, M.D.

My Medical Specialty: Pediatrics
female | Speaks: English

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I am Alka Desai and I am a physician at Children’s Physicians, Eagle Run.

I got interested in pediatrics when I was in medical school and realized that I enjoy taking care of kids more than adults. What I enjoy about taking care of kids is when they do get sick, they are such fighters. Most of the time they get better and they go on to develop healthily.

I would hope my families describe me as being very easy to talk to and very open. I don’t like to be someone who says, “We have to do this and this.” I like to have an agreement between the two of us.

The thing that I enjoy most about my job is developing relationships with families. You take care of one child, and then they go on to have another baby. I’m kind of getting to the point where I’ve been in practice long enough that now I’m having a lot of those patients that are now having their own babies, so that’s fun.

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Board Certification



Medical School: University of Nebraska College of Medicine
Residency: University of Nebraska Medical Center

This Provider Practices at:

Children’s Physicians, Eagle Run

13808 W. Maple Rd.
Suite 100
Omaha, NE 68164

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Fax: 402-955-7055

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