4 Ways We Care For Your Infant in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

If your baby requires care in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), it can be a scary and stressful time for parents.

From breathing problems to heart concerns to being born prematurely, your baby might need care in the NICU for many reasons. As a parent, knowing every measure is being taken to care for your infant during their stay in the NICU can help ease your mind. Here are four ways your infant receives care in the NICU.

1. We treat your baby’s complex health condition in one place

It can be overwhelming to have a baby who needs intensive care. Having all the care your baby needs in one setting can help ease your concerns about what care they need now and may need in the coming days or weeks.

Our experienced and specialized team of health care providers in our Level IV NICU can treat even the most complex neonatal conditions. And with over 50 pediatric specialties offered at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center, experts across multiple specialties can weigh in on conditions and treatments – all under one roof.

The newborn intensive care unit (NICU) at Children’s is the only Level IV NICU in Nebraska.

Additionally, our providers in the Fetal Care Center work with expecting mothers with high-risk pregnancies to prepare for the arrival of newborns. Our team in the NICU can be ready to provide needed care to the baby.

Children’s NICU treats a wide variety of newborn health conditions, including:

  • Lung problems, such as pneumonia (a build of fluid in the lungs), bronchopulmonary dysplasia (a chronic lung disease that impacts newborns) and breathing problems, like respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
  • Heart problems, such as heart valve abnormalities, coarctation of the aorta (a narrowed large artery), bradycardia (slow heartbeat), patent ductus arteriosus (a hole in the aorta), septal defect (a hole in the heart) and tetralogy of fallot (a condition where there are four heart defects present)
  • Anemia, which is when babies don’t have enough red blood cells, usually due to being born prematurely
  • Apnea, or abnormal breathing patterns
  • Gastroschisis, which is when babies are born with their organs or intestines on the outside of their abdomen
  • Hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar
  • Jaundice, which is when a baby’s liver is unable to remove a waste product called bilirubin from the blood
  • Sepsis, which is a bloodstream bacterial infection

Our Neuro NICU also provides care for infants who have — or are at a higher risk for — brain injuries and related concerns later in life, such as hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (impaired blood flow and oxygen to the brain), perinatal stroke (a stroke that occurs during pregnancy), and seizures. We collaborate with care teams from various specialties to give these babies the specialized care they need.

2. We prioritize bonding with your baby

As a parent or caregiver, all you want to do in those first days, weeks, and months is bond with your baby. But if your newborn is in the NICU, it can be difficult to experience those bonding moments with your little one.

We make sure that you and your baby can bond as much as possible during their stay in the NICU. With unlimited visiting hours and web-based video technology, you can be with your newborn at all hours of the day and night — even Can’t physically be at their bedside.

We also offer a transition room, where parents and caregivers can stay overnight with their babies to practice caregiving skills and bond with their babies.

For parents with other children, we have a sibling play area for older siblings to use while you’re with your baby during the day.

3. We surround your baby with a knowledgeable and compassionate care team

During your child’s stay in the NICU, you want to be sure they are surrounded by healthcare providers who are experienced and specially trained to provide the best care for your baby.

At Children’s NICU, we have board-certified neonatologists and specialists focusing on each area of pediatric care, including pediatric heart surgeons and neonatal specialists. Children’s NICU nurses have specialized training in caring for newborns who have serious health issues.

Our developmental care specialists and lactation specialists are also equipped to ensure your baby grows and develops.

Every one of our healthcare providers is dedicated to providing quality and compassionate care for your newborn. While your baby is getting stronger and healthier to go home, you can rest assured that they are in the hands of people who love babies and are committed to providing them with the care they need.

4. We keep communication lines open while your baby is in the newborn intensive care unit

While our priority is caring for your baby, we know that, as a new parent, you want to know everything that’s going on with your newborn. That’s why we’ll keep you updated every step of the way.

While your newborn is in the NICU, you can expect to:

  • Communicate with your child’s provider every day
  • Participate in daily rounds with their care team and nursing care transitions
  • Have online access to your baby’s medical records using Children’s Connect

If your baby requires complex care after they’re born, you want to be sure they get the best medical care available. At Children’s, our care teams will ensure your baby is cared for, loved, and given every resource available to eventually transition to where they truly belong — at home with you.

Do you have questions about the newborn intensive care unit? For more information, call 402-955-6130.


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